Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another trip to the Doctor

Gratuitous Simon Photo
Simon went to the doctor again.  He's 20 pounds and change.  Turns out he has an ear infection and a lung issue so we get to break out the breathing mask again.  Joy.  But at least we didn't look foolish taking a nearly perfectly healthy boy to the doctor. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

So sick

Today was Mommy/Simon day as Saturdays almost always are.  This one wasn't so exciting.  Simon is so sick.  He's been sick with the sniffles before but never really acted sick.  This time is different.  He took two 2-hour naps snuggling with me.  The first one was while we were watching The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie.  Looney Tunes don't get the respect they deserve any more, but I digress.  Every time he woke up he started crying and whining like he kinda forgot he was sick and it was all coming back as he grew conscious.  It was so sad.  But then he'd come to and almost be his normal self for a while.  He didn't like the high chair so much.  And his voice sounds very hoarse.  And you can tell his cough hurts like hell.  I called the doctor and she said if he gets bad to take him to the ER and they might have us do the breathing treatments.  Boo.  But for now he seems almost his normal self for the most part so I think he's going to survive.

At the end of his second nap I started playing with a new app for my phone camera.  This is the polaroid.  I really kind of like this picture.  He looks so peaceful.  After this we stepped out on the patio for a few minutes of fresh air.  Now I think he's gone to sleep.  Here's hoping he sleeps as well as he did last night.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I miss this face all day long.

 I don't write on here like I should.  I really need to make more of an effort to capture these early months and years because they will go by so quickly.

Tonight was one of those nights when I'm swaying with Simon in my arms and singing to him except my voice keeps cracking and giving way because I'm crying.  I cry because I want to hold him forever.  I cry because I feel like I'm not around enough for him.  I cry because he's growing so fast and the days when I can rock him to sleep are numbered. 

But as he grows I get to experience new and awesome things.  I cannot wait to hear him tell me the thoughts in his head, his hopes, his dreams.  I cannot wait to hear him say, "I love you, Mommy."  But I can.  I must not and will not wish these days away. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm 10 Months Old!

Daddy had one of his rare Saturdays off today so we celebrated Simon's 10 month birthday by going to The Childrens' Museum.  We went to play in their 2 & under area.  Boy, was Simon ever over-stimulated when we got there.  He had no idea what to make of it.  We tried different things but the only thing he wanted to do was chew on all the toys.  Then we found a quiet area that seemed to be made for the younger kids that was pretty quiet.  He made a few friends there (including a girl!) and decided maybe it was a fun place to be.  It would be even more fun if he could walk, but for now we did what we could.  I got one picture with the real camera when the batteries died.  Thank goodness for cell phone cameras.

After playing there we went to Chipotle for lunch.  :)  Simon tried black beans and pretty much couldn't eat enough of them.  They were a big hit.  Then this evening we went to Toys R Us and got a few birthday presents.  It's nice to be able to shop for him like that even when he's with us.  Speaking of birthdays, I really should start thinking about his party.  I gots two months to whip up something grand.

A fella could get used to this place.

More beans, please!

Playin with Daddy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lunch with Mommy

My home away from home.
Today my fellas came to take me out to lunch.  About 30 seconds before the arrived I got off the phone with my boss giving me a sizable project that seemed to have some urgency.  So it was a quick lunch and not terribly relaxing, but it was still a pleasant treat.  I briefly got to show Simon where I spend my day.  We went to Five Guys where Mommy and Daddy had burgers and Simon had yogurt melts.  I ended up bringing half my burger back to the office in my purse.  This outing was intended in my mind to make up for us not being able to do it for Valentine's Day.  Maybe the third time's the charm.