Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm snuggly!

My sleepy boy
One of my favorite ways to pass the time is when Simon falls asleep eating and I get to hold him while he sleeps.  I can sit like that with him for hours.  I can't ever get enough snuggle time.

This morning the husband and I were sorting through his clothes and packing away what is too small.  It's so sad for me to see all he's outgrown because it means he's not that small anymore.  Sometimes it breaks my heart knowing that someday I won't be able to hold him while he snoozes.  I won't be able to hold him at all one day.  But for now he's still my "special little guy", to quote Marge Simpson.  He doesn't feel like a baby anymore.  He feels like much more of a little boy.  I hope I'm doing a proper job of enjoying him being little while I can.  There just never seems to be enough time; enough hours in the day.  That's what pictures like this are for.  They'll be my reminder one day that there was a time before he was too "grown up" for his mommy.