Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I take back what I said.

I'm doing my best to not feel like a bad mommy.  Two things I've been doing lately have been bothering me.  Tonight I did them both.  The first thing is I bought him a freaking laptop.  A toy one, of course, but it's still a computer in the loosest sense.  Before I had Simon, and even after up until this past month, I really had an aversion to battery-operated toys.  He had a few but they weren't the kinds with flashing lights and songs and that horrible VTech voice.  If you have little ones you probably know the voice.  They also have these God-awful motion sensor displays in the store that say WELCOME! before going into their song and dance every time you pass them. 

The reason for the laptop is twofold.  First, he loves "computing".  He tries to use ours every time we have it out.  That alone is not nearly enough reason to get him his own.  But I was handling reason number 2 and it just made it so easy.  That reason is we really need some hospital only toys to keep his interest.  Because we're going back tomorrow for a week I was taking one last look around.  He can't get on the floor.  He's more or less confined to the crib there so I need something reasonably small and something he won't get bored with.  Everything seems like it either is too big, too juvenile, has too many parts, is pretty much the same thing we already have, or just doesn't look that exciting.

The second thing I do that really bothers me is I let him watch more TV than I'd like.  Nights like tonight I'm so exhausted by the time we sit down to eat, and so is he, that I just need something to keep him happy.  It's pretty much always Yo Gabba Gabba.  He freaking loves that show.  Sometimes I really need him to focus on something instead of getting into everything when I'm trying to get dinner or laundry or dishes.  So I turn on the Gabba.  Sometimes I tell myself it's really not so bad, that at least it's a DVD or Netflix so he's not seeing all those horrible kids commercials.  But it's still not good. 

The last month has really taken a toll on my resilience.  I'm managing okay, but I really feel like I'm letting Simon down.  And I feel like I'm letting myself down.  Yes, I'm doing a lot for him right now, but that doesn't totally excuse me not living up to the standards I set for myself and my son.


  1. Breathe. You are doing just fine. I know people who grew up with no TV and then all they wanted was to watch TV. I think some TV is fine. I grew up watching it when ever I wanted but books and the outdoors were just more engaging for the most part. Simon will feel the same way. Think about what you feel liek when you are sick. You want to sit around and veg. It is okay that he is doing that. When he get well you can turn off the computerized game and the TV and go to the park or the library ect.. This is temporary- keep telling your self this.

  2. You realize one day he is going to have his own children and come to you and thank you for everything you've done for him. You are a fantastic mother. Just knowing you worry about not being a good one shows you are are because you care.

    Chin up - God will get you all through this. =0)

  3. Hang in there. You were thrown a curve ball and you had to adjust. Everyone would. You are doing your best. Try to give yourself some credit and be very proud of you. Focus on the short-term right now. Making Simon and your little family as comfortable as you can is important. Once Simon is better, then you can re-evaluate. You got this!
