Sunday, August 30, 2009

April 23 2010

Near as I can figure, Junior will graduate from high school in 2028 when I'm 55.  Am I too old for this?  Some days I feel like I can barely manage myself.  I hear exercise makes labor go easier.  Now there's an endorsement for a regular workout routine if I ever heard one. 

I imagine that with my baby daddy, Junior will look something like the baby pictured here.  I just hope I don't have to pass the glasses.


  1. I've know many women who had children into thier 40s and your not there yet! Hang in there, its the ride of your life!

  2. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! When is the big day?

  3. You are not to old. I was 37 when Caelun was born and I am not completely sure we are done. Older is better. You will have a better idea of what is a big deal and what isn't. Don't sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff.

  4. I'm envious. Enjoy every moment because it goes by fast! very fast. Take it from one who has been there.
    A grand adventure is about to begin.
    -- Winnie the Pooh
