Tuesday, July 31, 2012

You Are My Sunshine

The husband is working late tonight so I got to tend to Simon all on my own.  I had to work late (yes, really!) and got home a little before 8:00.  Simon had been asleep for about an hour and hadn't really had a proper dinner.  I debated if I should wake him up or let him sleep.  The clincher was that the kid wets through a diaper quicker than I can say piddle so I figured I better at least change his diaper.  When I woke him up I asked if he was hungry.  He said yes, so I changed his diaper and got him up.  I decided to make him a waffle and some eggs.  Man, he tore through the egg so I made him another.  He picked at the waffle.

As an aside, we've been wanting to get a stereo for the living room but haven't gotten around to it yet.  I finally set up the Pandora on the Roku so we have some music now.  Simon is LOVING it.  He dances his little heart out.

We had music on while he ate.  I let him sit on my lap.  It was so quiet and peaceful.  I kept the lights down and kept kissing his head.  I love the smell of his hair.  He held froggy while he ate.  It won't be so much longer before he's too big to sit on my lap, but I can still cuddle him.  I got him in for a quick bath.  He hated every second of it, but it really does help him sleep better.  Then we cuddled on the couch listening to the lullaby station and he fell asleep in my lap as we listened to "To Make You Feel My Love".

We heard "You Are My Sunshine" once or twice which made me think of when he was born.  Eons ago there was this show called "Murphy Brown" that I liked.  She sang that song to her newborn son in the hospital and for some reason it always stuck with me.  When we were waiting to be sprung from the hospital with Simon, Daddy was asleep in the bed and I held Simon in the chair and sang that to him. 

It was such a lovely evening which I needed after a stressful day at work.  To have a quiet evening with Simon is such a treat.