Thursday, September 13, 2012

L for Love

The picture above is from Dodgeball.  Blaine and I saw this on our honeymoon and it was awesome.  It was us in movie form.  It was nonsense.  It had a filmstrip.  It had a water-skiing squirrel.  It had everyone in it ever.  It had ESPN 8 - The Ocho!  In this picture the wife is making the loser sign and her husband takes it to mean "L for love."  Blaine and I picked it up and do it all the time, especially when saying goodbye.

Lately Simon has taken to doing it too.  He hasn't quite got it down yet.  He kind of points to the top of his head with his fingers all spread out.  But it's the cutest thing ever.  He can't yet say "I love you" but he can do this.  Sadly, someday he's going to grow up and realize how odd his parents are.  Someday he'll probably figure out that it means something else to the rest of the world.

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