Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Fun Gangsta Style

I taught my son how to hold a gun tonight.  A little part of me died when I did it.  He was very good at church today except for one episode so for a treat I took him outside after dinner.  We brought sidewalk chalk and squirt guns.  I put him in his swing and gave him a squirt gun showing him how to hold it and squeeze the trigger.  The whole time I was hoping he wouldn't think of the squirt gun as a gun.  He swang and we squirted each other.  He had some interesting grips on the thing and eventually ended up pointing it backwards so he could squirt himself.  We laughed and had a blast but my mind did wander once or twice to when he's a little bit older and if he should encounter a real gun.  How soon do I teach him about the dangers of guns?  How do I help him see the difference between a pistol and a squirt gun?  For now I'll just enjoy this innocent time when we can go outside and be silly and have fun.

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