Saturday, September 4, 2010

So Big!

We had a quick trip to the park a couple of weeks ago.
Simon is really starting to reach an age where he's changing quite a bit.  Last weekend he rolled over all by himself while doing tummy time.  I was picking up stuff to throw out and had my back turned for a minute while he did it.  I turn back and he's on his back.  I knew that wasn't how I left him.  So I called the husband out from the bedroom and showed him Simon was on his back.  I'm sure he was thinking "That's quite a trick.  Whatevs."  I stammered out that he had rolled over and I missed it.  So we flipped him on his tummy again and he rolled over for us.  The next day he did it again when I wasn't looking but hasn't done it again since.

He's also getting pretty good at using his hands.  He's all about gnawing on Sophie and he can hold her like a champ.  He still doesn't play with toys a ton, but that will come.  And he can hold his bottle if the mood strikes him.

To celebrate all of this and his big 4-month birthday tomorrow he gets a treat: RICE CEREAL!!!!1!  We're gonna give him his first solids and boy, we're starting with the big exciting one.  As I told the husband, it's one part cereal to 98793874 parts formula.  But hey, we all gotta start somewhere.  I'm sure there will be more on that to come.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on rolling over baby Simon, and Happy 4 months! :)
