Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm 4 Months Old!

Four Months Old!
Today was Simon's big 4-month birthday.  To celebrate we had cereal this afternoon.  I was really not feeling too well so I almost didn't do it, but my headache subsided enough to break out my old baby spoon.  We invited Grandma & Grandpa to the party via the webcam.  They miss him and I thought it might be a good way to include them in at least this one milestone.

We set up the laptop and camcorder on a tripod to capture the event.  Mommy got the first try at feeding him.  He ate like a champ.  He even leaned in a bit to get more of the noms.  After mom had a go it was dad's turn.  He ate and ate and ate.  I'm not sure how much of it made it all the way down the hatch, but hopefully most of it did.  Here's a photo of the aftermath:

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