Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Christmas

It's early Christmas morning.  I'm having one of those mornings/nights where my nose won't cooperate with sleep.  It's an itch/sneeze that is constant.  It's tolerable while awake most of the time but there's no way I'm getting to sleep with it like this.  So, it's 3:28 AM.  I've been up for a couple of hours already.  I'll probably just get back into a nice deep sleep when I'll hear "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!"...ad nauseum over the baby monitor. 

Simon's become quite the climber.  He's started climbing up on his crib.  Well, yesterday while he was "napping" he came out of his room and wandered into our room to find Daddy wrapping presents and announced he wasn't tired.  So, Daddy had a new project for the day, one that's been on the list for a week or so anyway.  He trod off to his parents' house to get the toddler bed side.  Simon absolutely loves his "new bed".

 He actually took a nap in it this afternoon before we went over to Grandma's house for dinner.  Once we got there I shuffled him outside with cousins as fast as I could.  

As per usual, he wouldn't eat.  We left in a hurry.  Got him home, in the bath where he watched some of The Grinch, and off to bed.  Then Santa came.  He's gonna lose his mind when he wakes up.

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