Saturday, June 9, 2012

An Afternoon at the Museum

My parents got us a membership to the Children's Museum of Houston for Simon's birthday.  Today I was bound and determined to get him there.  He slept until 2:30 and it was about 4:00 when we got there which left us 2 hours of merriment.  We had the grandest time.  We started out in the baby/toddler area.  He looks so big with the other kids there and definitely took a shine to the little ball pit.  Then we explored some other areas we hadn't been to before that show how things work and whatnot.  He had great fun there as well.  But the bad thing is he's really kind of in between the really little kids and the big kids.  He has none attention span for me to show him what he's supposed to do at the exhibits but spent a great deal of time pretending to talk to Daddy on one of their many phones.  But he didn't really seem to care.  He ran from one thing to the next before zipping on to something else. 

We took a break and had snacks and then went out to the outdoor part that has all these water activities you can do.  He especially loved it because it started to rain, and aside from falling, rain is his other big love right now.  He and I were the only ones out there for a while as other parents had the good sense to come in.  But I didn't much care.  Our lives are pretty well back to "normal", whatever that is but sometimes I think back to what he's been through and just say the heck with it.  If he wants to be out in the rain, he's gonna be out in the rain.

We went back in and walked through their little city shops area and into the vet.  There were stuffed dogs and cats all over.  One spot had an x-ray on the wall of a dog's abdomen.  I've seen lots of pictures like that before, but of a little boy so I kind of took notice. Then I saw there was an arrow pointing to a "mass" in the belly of the dog.  It looked so familiar.  I just stood there and looked at it for a while.  I held Simon a little closer.  We went into the grocery store where he picked out apples and put them back and we got a balloon before heading home.

It was a good day.  He had all the fun and was pretty good.  Now he's fighting sleep by playing in his crib.  Simon, you played so hard.  You've earned a good night's sleep. 

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