Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So he's 2.

So, Simon is almost 2.  He's acting every bit of it.  He's starting to be a real handful.  He seems to fight us at every turn and kicks, bites, and I even think he hit another little girl the other day.  And you should see the fight he puts up over medicine.  I don't know what to do.   We don’t spank because I believe you can’t teach a kid to not hit by hitting them.  I try to comfort him when he starts to get upset.  I don’t yell (for the most part).  I try to distract him with other things.  His big punishment is time out which doesn’t go very well.

I’m starting to really feel like a parent now.  I second guess everything I do.  I know we were lax when he was in the hospital.  He could more or less watch whatever he wanted and eat whatever he’d swallow.  I try not to let him watch too much tv and give in to him all the time.  But it’s a hard habit to break.  I wonder if he’s in pain from teething.  I wonder if he’s turning into a bully.  I wonder if I’m too soft.  Whether or not I am, I’m not going to start spanking.  I wonder if he’s just a normal 2 year old kid.  I’ve been in tears several times this week because I feel like I’m failing him.  I can’t comfort him. 

Being a mommy is hard.  I pray I’m doing a good job.

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