Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dear Simon

My Dear Simon,

I love you so much and am so glad you're here.  I'm grateful you're strong and healthy.  I was reading about a mom whose son was born with a bad heart and he didn't live long.  The two months he was on earth were spent in the NICU hooked up to all kinds of machines.  I don't think I could handle that if it were you.  There are too many moms that only get to hold their babies for a short time.  It's sad to hear about but it also makes me appreciate you more.  Sometimes I can forget how lucky Dad and I are.  You're so good-natured and sleep so well.  Sometimes I grumble to myself when you don't sleep past 5:00.  But there are moms who would be thrilled their baby slept 8 hours.  And there are moms that would be ecstatic if their babies were still here to wake them up at any hour.  Thoughts like that make it easier to deal with getting up at 5AM with you.  Thank you for picking us to be your parents. 


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