Sunday, September 13, 2009

A real pain

Well, my days of being the pregnant lady getting waited on hand and foot are over.  The mister threw his back out.  Seems like it might be for real this time.  I've never seen him in so much pain, and that's saying something.  We're praying it's not a ruptured disk, but I'm afraid that might be what it is.  So, between my non-existent energy level and his being unable to sit or stand or lay or move or laugh, we're quite a pair.  If anyone wants to hire us a maid it would be appreciated.  But, here I am going on and it's 8:40, way past my bedtime. 

Tomorrow I'm going to call and make my for-real doctor appointment.  Right now I don't "feel pregnant" so it just doesn't seem real.   I understand that's fairly common and I'm trying not to worry, but I'll feel better when I hear the little heartbeat.  I just feel tired and hungry and sometimes queasy.  I'm looking forward to feeling the baby move.  I understand that's kinda neat.

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